Spring Fest & Market 2023
Sponsorship Opportunities

Your sponsorship of the Spring Fest & Market empowers us to grow this event and its impact in the community by helping fund non-profit tables, live music, community partnerships, and more. Please view the opportunities below and consider supporting this event and our amazing neighborhood by becoming a sponsor of the 2023 Church Hill Spring Fest & Market.


Patriot: $2,500 or greater

  • One free full page ad in Church Hill Newsletter
  • Two vendor tables at the Spring Fest & Market
  • Recognition on website with logo
  • Recognition at event with logo on banner
  • Recognition with logo in Church Hill Newsletter

Benefactor: $1,000 to $2,499

  • One free ½ page ad in Church Hill Newsletter
  • One vendor table at the Spring Fest & Market
  • Recognition on website with logo
  • Recognition at event with logo on banner
  • Recognition with logo in Church Hill Newsletter

Neighbor: $500 to $999

  • Recognition on website with logo
  • Recognition at event with logo on banner
  • Recognition in Church Hill Newsletter

Friend: $100 to $499

  • Recognition on website
  • Recognition at event on banner
  • Recognition in Church Hill Newsletter

To express interest in a sponsorship or to ask any questions, contact springfest@churchhill.org.

Funds raised by this event and additional sponsorships will also support the Church Hill Association of RVA’s mission to lift those who lift up others in our neighborhood. Recently, the CHA has provided grants to the Robinson Theater, Franklin Military Academy, the East End Festival, and our local schools and parks